Dune Adventures in the Imperium
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Shield, Semi-
A variant of the personal Shield, the semi-shield is a Shield built to protect only a part of the body, usually the upper torso or half of the upper torso and one leg. Also called a half-shield. These are often used in gladiatorial games or with light sparring, where an additional level of skill is utilized to strike areas not covered by the semi-shield.
As an Asset: As with regular shields, semi-shields are used for defense and can be used to threaten someone with a Lasgun if activated.
Keywords: Atomic, Defense, Protection
Special: It is more difficult to harm a character armed with a semi-shield with ranged combat, and special care must be taken to strike the portion not protected by the Shield. In each case, the Difficulty is increased by +1 step. If a Shield is struck by a Lasgun, either the Shield or the Lasgun (randomly determined) will produce an atomic explosion; using such methods of destruction upon a human population is strictly forbidden.
As a semi-shield doesn’t protect the whole body unlike most defensive Assets it can be moved into any personal zone of the user as they shift position to make the best use of its protection.